Monday, April 7, 2014

Kansas Needs a Veto

Here is what I sent to Governor Brownback using his "Legislation and Policy Issues" website

Dear Governor Brownback:

I am asking you to veto the education bill that the legislature just passed Sunday 4/6/2014.

First, I do not believe the bill is a fair representation of Kansans' opinions on ALL the issues addressed in the bill. I believe that it is, instead, shameful political maneuvering. Each issue should be addressed in separate legislation so that it can receive the amount of concentration and deliberation that such weighty issues deserve.

Second, I am deeply troubled by the "cut the pie into smaller pieces" approach to running our state's budget. Apply this concept to feeding a family, and the result is a starving family. As the family grows and its needs change, more pie has to be provided. Please quit "robbing Peter to pay Paul."

Third, on the specific subject of education funding, the children who are in our schools NOW and over the next few years need properly supported education NOW. Education funding that is based on an economic plan that will take years to come to fruition (if that ever happens) does TODAY'S children NO GOOD. The current funding formula will work if our state's leaders will fund it properly. Please lead our state by guiding the legislature to  pass adequate funding for education using the current formula and passing the taxation necessary to fund it.